Morning service at 11am
Evening service at 6pm

Novena Day Two: Men

For the grown up version of Novena Prayer Day Two click here.

Today we are praying for men (and boys!).

Think about the men and boys you know.  They might be big or little; silly or sensible; young or old; noisy or quiet.  Whatever they are like, I am sure some men and boys are special to you.

Think about them now.

Talk to God about them and ask him to help you to be a friend to all of the boys and men you know.

You will need a paper plate and some pens or crayons for today’s activity.  You can draw pictures of the men and boys on your plate or just write out their names.  While you are doing this, talk to God about them.  Think about any problems they might have or anything that they might need God’s help with.  If there is anything special you pray for you could draw or write this on your plate.

Ask if it would be okay to put some cakes or biscuits on the plate and give these to one of the men or boys you have prayed for.


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